Introverted Decisions (Affirmations)
12 February 2024
Today I pour gratitude to the divine for allowing me this time. Through it all I was never forsaken. Through it all I am still walking. I choose not to lean on my own overstanding but trust in what is too come. I walk many roads and victory has always laid at my doorstep. This too l will overcome. Ashe'

Introverted Decisions
My heart is filled with bless and openness
Continued changed and a process of releasing.
I overstand my healing is an ongoing process.
21 January 2024
Today replenish my soul with gifts of reflection, knowing what I deserve, aspiring to be who I suppose to be, and reminding myself that in every space their is a lesson to create growth and change.

Introverted Decisions
Goddess Sekhmet
woman power
Empowering our femininity
20 November 2023
Today I give myself permission to feel safe. To embrace the love around me in whatever form it comes. I give myself permission to grow to ride the waves and learn. Today I scream vitality comprehending that all things work in the enlightenment of favor and overstanding. I am beautiful, I am faithful, I am great, I am prosperous, I am protected. I am the love of the love of my life. I pour gratitude

Introverted Decisions
The greatness within you
can only be discovered
by it's host that is you.
Introverted Decisions
26 September 2023

As I evolve I overstand that the separation between my relationship or anything I gave power to I was afraid of letting go . Now I get it , I understand that I have overgrown those spaces and I am journeyed to a different path. Somewhere we will reunite as different beings however for now the space are temporarily closed and I Accept it for what it is, at this time with love and compassion

Introverted Decisions
The greatness within you
can only be discovered
by it's host that is you.
Introverted Decisions
20 July 2023
I am worthy of the purest love
I am worthy of abundance
in every aspect of my being
I am worthy of financial stability
I am worthy of achieving my dreams
I am worthy of each and every one of my manifestations.
The universe conspires in my best interest
I am calm and in control of how I respond to the world around me.
I am safe and secure.
I have done this before and I can do it again.
I am loyal and I am surrounded by people who value loyalty
I trust that I am on the right path in my life.
I am happy that I can express empathy because that is my essence.
It allows me to pour into the lives of the people I come in contact with daily.

Renee Joseph
Reflect, realign, readjust,
keep moving forward and
Introverted Decisions
05 July 2023

In the times of challenges,
and despair know that you can do it,
you are equip with all the tools in you.

Reflect, realign, readjust,
keep moving forward and
Introverted Decisions
18 June 2023

Allow patience
to be the bread of vitality
as in it lies the wisdom and knowledge
to fulfil your purpose.

Silent switch
Because she knows she remain humble. The comfort to her soul now spread with a thick quilt of lies and deception. The sound of silence the sweet nectar of truth become a facade. Nothing is real, just the imagery of what it was suppose to be. Slowly, her silent screams echoed. A woman reverted to her cocoon Her safe Haven, Her place of peace.
Celebrate yourself.
Introverted Decisions

Allow patience
to be the bread of vitality
as in it lies the wisdom and knowledge
to fulfil your purpose.

of the unknown
Victory is created within self.
Manifested and reaffirmed and realigned.
Every step is a victory regardless of how big or small.
Celebrate yourself.
Introverted Decisions

I present I am affirmation in action.
I use this method to speak to self the soul.
Letting self know that this is who self is
and what self is about to do in alignment with
creating the best version of self.
I am affirmation in action
brings self-love into action
with truth kindness and most of all gratitude.

of the unknown
Sunken like the ships of the Bermuda Triangle unable to be discovered due to mysteries of d unknown That is my soul screaming beyond the clouds of my vision , my perception. The Cosmos awaits me as it's stairway arrive connecting me to my world. The step to take amongst the stars the ships hover around invisible to the eye. All attractions to this world has seize for the completion is a unity a desire the heart seeks a world in a world.
Introverted Decisions