Introverted Decisions (Featured Poem)
Featured Poem

The Reintroduced
Reflective Influence

Looking in his eyes the glitter of truth faded, as she lay helplessly with messages that severed her heart into pieces. The mark of the love that bore meaning turned to a mockery she turned to her buried image for counselling. The Reintroduction Of the Reflective influence a space she overcame in pass instances. As the fragments of self shame and guilt resurfaced, I told you so was send in the midst. You're nothing, unwanted. I told you they wouldn't love you like I do, Look at you, showing loud knees on the ground holding the life in you,as we shed tears for a man that's repeatedly hurting you. Listen to me remove yourself, all the change you make how far did it get you? Needless to say you are back seeking me for help all I got to say is end this misery before it's too late. waste of self development I say, yelling the reflective influence concluded. In agony I looked again at the image in front of the mirror and said no I am more than enough and this is not the end of my days, I am a star shining bright in the midst of all the darkness and pain. This too shall pass, I feel it in the distance and so she arise thankful for reclaiming her place not being influenced to become a statistic amongst the blaze. Gaining strength and using the pain as a step to achieve greater things. The influence was gone and a diamond was born a life of happiness grew, her baby now moving gently in gratitude that her life she saved with love and contentment. Ashe a prayer of gratitude Ascended.

Introverted Decisions
Released on the
18 October 2023