Introverted Decisions (Horoscope)


19 Feb - 20 Mar

As May unfolds, Pisces, Pluto's retrograde in eccentric Aquarius, urges you to prioritize your creative passions over the daily grind. This is the time to focus on those passion projects. You won't regret it. May also brings a decadent array of opportunities for connecting with friends and indulging in self-care, making it a truly enriching month. Mercury's entry into Taurus deepens and sweetens conversations sparked around the recent new moon. Meanwhile, as the sun moves into Gemini, your 4th House of Home and Family gets a boost. The weeks ahead may be filled with social invites that could stretch you thin, so ensure you respect your boundaries and include downtime to recharge. A powerful full moon in Sagittarius significantly enhances your capacity for manifestation, particularly impacting your 10th House of Social Status. This lunation could see the culmination of goals set earlier in May, bringing an abundant close to this lovely month.

Prev star sign Aquarius