Introverted Decisions (Poems)
K. Huggins


I am gratitude a fascinating woman who has physically lived. I can tell you about myself in seconds, but I prefer to write in sentences. When I enter the room, my gratitude is released, and its soothing warmth is felt I am grateful for the simple things life has given, which most may turn a blind eye to. Like the air, I inhale, as the uniqueness of my body transport and distribute its contents and then exhale the used air simultaneously. Or even for my heart, whose sounds emit as a musical instrument going lob dub, I know that's how its majestic sound goes. The gratitude for my eyes is that I can see the light of day and the darkness of night and dance on the stars as it twinkles. Gratitude to my ears as its small cochlear radiates sound so distinctly Appreciation to my hands for writing and carrying out my job effectively. The Appreciation for my feet that I can walk and gain balance with my toes mobilized freely as each second goes by. Gratitude to my brain as it processes everything efficiently. Thankfulness to my spirit as it is aligning me with myself Each aspect of me is a monument of genuine appreciation, for nothing is promised, and nothing is quickly gained. My words should always reflect my good character as I am mastering the art of becoming holistically better.