Introverted Decisions (Poems)
K. Huggins


Today I draw my armour, shield and sword. I stand sure of my authority and within my authenticity. Each side of my weapon is covered with the core attributes of my innate existence I am not hiding in a cave or retreating into the valley. I am walking into my reality with courage and bravery. Who dares to challenge I The I that was ordained in the realm of the highest. I am not timid; believe me when I say I saw the arrows coming I fight With the unseen who plays tricks and mind games. In humility, you see me walk with a smile, but with your spiritual eyes you would see me in my true nature the The One the ultimate Crowned warrior Beware of the gimmicks and schemes. Beware of the thief that isn't seen Today I draw my sword and shield because I am not fighting the things I can physically see.